this is a song that almost got lost in the unseen realms. until I was with some friends and I asked if anyone wanted to close us out with THE song. you know, like the song that someone in the collective field knows is the right song for the moment, the one that captures the essence to what we are speaking of as a group, or the song that answers to us somehow or deepens our inquiry in some magical way. my friend Thena says, "i think I have the song." and then they sing this one to us. I am listening the whole time like, "i feel like i have sung this one before. who caught this? i want to know them. i want to hear more of their songs." and then Thena finishes and i ask them, "can you remind us who that one came through?" Thena says, "you're kidding right?"
i genuinely was not. "no," i say. and they giggle and they remind me that this was the first iteration of the third gate of grief song that i had first brought to workshop with some friends in my backyard as these grief songs were coming through for the album WAILS: Songs for Grief, the 3rd gate: sorrows of the world. "no way!" i said to them.
i veered my way from feeling slightly concerned for forgetting a song child and instead allowed myself to gently welcome this baby back into my consciousness.
then, about a year later, i got several text messages that Esther Perel had sang this song on a Brene Brown podcast. and then... i started getting videos and texts and audio recordings from people who were learning it from her in her workshops.
then the genocide on Gaza was furthered... then 11.5.24... and the song is living into their own life.
Kate Munger, who started Threshold Choir in 1990 singing human lives across the veil as they transition towards the ancestral realms sent me this score for the song in novemebr 2024.