Incantation bowls & amulets to cast off or call in.
Whether it be land back, grief, ancestral, shadow work, equity, blessing a trans body, returning the curses of extinction | white supremacy | patriarchy or opening parent's hearts to honoring your pronouns... I'm here for it.
"The only words capable of healing the unconscious, because it understands them, are prayers and incantation."
-Alejandro Jodorowsky
Calling upon the abolitionist ancestors!
Be with us as we grieve the ways in which white supremacy impacts our Black and Brown and Indigenous siblings, the ways in which white supremacy impacts our white bodies, the ways in which we have internalized white supremacy and replicated it, the ways we have destroyed or lost our very own songs, our stories, our dances, our connection to this wild Earth, to each other, to the village, to our children, to our elders, to you - ancestors! We are here because a collective trauma requires a collective response.
We call upon the heretics, witches, healers and medicine wheelers. We call upon the ancestors who were organizers, who were rebellious, who broke laws that were morally unethical, who hid fugitives who were ostracized by society.
Be with us now.
Returning the curse of white supremacy.
Returning the curse of white supremacy.
Returning the curse of white supremacy.

I am a small scale potter and make spell bowls as a way of reconnecting with my Jewish ancestors. They are inspired by Incantation Bowls, witch in roughly 300-600 C.E., were in common use in Babylonia by Christians, Mazdeans, Mandeans, and Jews.
In these bowls are prayers, songs, dreams, shadows, grief and more. I make them for our altars, our sanctuaries, our shrines, our rituals, our shadow work. Below you can learn more about Incantation/Magic Bowls and Shadow Cups. Visit my INSTAGRAM to see past pieces.
I am open for commissions and specialize in casting spells particularly for:
Cycles / Seasons (birth, life, death, rebirth, decomposition and fertility)
Transformation and metamorphosis, Cultural Transformation
Holistic, Wholeness, Healing Trauma
Belonging / Rooting
Shadow work (insecurities, fears)
Breaking Spells / Returning curses (i.e. empire, extinction, oppression)
Deep Time (ancestral, present and descendants)
Calling in (agility in our growing edges)
Calling Upon (spirits, qualities, characteristics, health)
Regenerative Spells
Wholly Questions
Grief / Rage
Channeling Animal and Plant voices
Commissioned spell bowls - sliding scale: $333-$444
Already made bowls - sliding scale: $111-$333
Plus packaging and shipping (unless you are in Seattle) which can range from $33-$100 (international)
I am open to trade: massage, somatic body work, gardening/yard work, politicized somatics
Please contact me if you are envisioning smaller pieces like shadow bowls, earrings, necklaces, etc. And I can give you a sliding scale.
For Commissions:
Please allow 30-90 days to make your bowl if commissioned.
Bowl sizes can vary
Bowls are not inherently food safe, if you want a food safe bowl please make sure you specifically request this.
With ceramics and especially with spell work.. sometimes pieces can break and must be remade. I ask for my clients to acknowledge this and have deep trust and patience in the process.
How we work together:
Please contact me for inquiries
Please tell me as much of what you are calling in or casting out​ in writing.
The spell is stronger when we focus on one theme
I take Venmo or Paypal once we agree to work together and then charge shipping and packaging a few days before I send the bowl
I will write a spell for you and you may request adjustments/edits up to 2x (an additional $33 will be charged for each change beyond that)
You may also request a specific image and I will do my best to accommodate your vision while also honoring my own creativity. If you do not request an image to work with, I will support you in generating one. The bowl can also just contain the spell.
Once we are working together, I will request we work via text message so that I can send you voice notes if need be.

A History of Incantation Bowls
“The ancient users of the incantations had the same concerns as people in any age, but as they lacked insurance policies, psychiatric services, or hard science, they turned to magic. Today scholars tend to emphasize the vast gap of knowledge that separates medical specialists from ordinary people, hypothesizing that in antiquity clients took home incantation bowls much like people today might take home a pharmaceutical drug, ignorant of its ingredients or its inner workings.”​
(Placing Ancient Texts The Ritual and Rhetorical Use of Space edited by Mika Ahuvia and Alexander Kocar)
During the talmudic period, in roughly 300-600 C.E., incantation bowls were in common use in Babylonia by Christians, Mazdeans, Mandeans, and Jews. While bowls in use in Jewish homes often were prepared by Jews who were not involved with or representative of the rabbinical academies such as myself, certain rabbinical figures also were deemed potent agents, the citation of whose names could drive away particular demons.
The majority of surviving magic bowls were found during excavations in Nippur in 1888-1889.They were found upside down in the ruins of houses, with one or more bowls found in almost every house as well as in cemeteries, where they apparently served to lay ghosts at rest.
The chief element of the bowls is an incantation composed of repeating phrases, words, or syllables believed to have the power to bind favorable powers, they were basically spell casting vessels.
In the academic paper, “The Daughters of Israel”: An Analysis of the Term in Late Ancient Jewish Sources by UW professor MIKA AHUVIA (AND SARIT KATTAN GRIBETZ), I learned that the primary threat the bowls warded off was from demons, with harm from the human realm (in the form of witchcraft, sorcery, and curses). Others were written to maintain the health of individuals in the household, specifying their physical, emotional, and/or financial well-being. Apparently, the practitioners believed that demons could not be killed and so they only sought to expel them, contain them, or seal a house against them.
Archaeological data is sparse, unfortunately, but scholars hypothesize that these bowls were buried under the floors of the homes of the clients or were visible in the corners of their rooms. However, due to lack of provenance of the other examples, the geographic spread of this formula cannot be determined.
In the article, “Exe(o)rcising Power: Women as Sorceresses, Exorcists, and Demonesses in Babylonian Jewish Society of Late Antiquity” by Rebecca Lesses she writes, “The incantation bowls were found in or near houses (in the courtyard or on the threshold) or in graveyards, usually buried upside down…” and that, “...there are often four bowls with identical inscriptions placed in the four corners of a room. The bowls name both women and men as beneficiaries of the incantations or as malevolent forces to be protected against, and it appears that both women and men were involved in the production of the texts.”
It was in this atmosphere that the archaeologists came across dozens of incantation bowls, mostly in Jewish Aramaic, but also in Syriac and Mandaic. These incantation bowls, once relegated to the periphery of scholarship on ancient religion, are now recognized as important sources for the understanding of ancient ritual practices. Made of plain ceramic material about the size of cereal bowls, the incantation bowls would hardly make beautiful museum displays. Hence, their notes on these it appears that incantation bowls were in use from the fifth to eighth century CE in Mesopotamia. ​