Throughout all of our ancestral backgrounds, at one point we gather(ed) in circle where everyone would be seen, recognized & heard. Blakely has a unique way of pulling the collective back to these roots. The stories she weaves are birthed through survival & adversity that then emit space for being lifted. She blends body rhythm, dance, stillness, breath & silence into what she likes to call "song ceremony." Her deepest intention is to help people remember their inherent birthright to singing and rhythm that is already living within the body.
Alexandra (she/her) is an Ashkenazi, Scandinavian singer-songwriter, grief tender, community organizer and ceramicist walking the path of ancestral healing and the reclaiming of lost cultural memories. She unearths the power in song, that similar to prayer, can propel the solidification of realities. She writes for the community to transform, ask questions, and seek to lead lives that would make us ancestors worth honoring.
She lives between Duwamish Territory (Seattle, WA), Serrano territory (high Californian desert) and Tenochtitlán (Mexico City) and dedicates her life in service to holistic healing. Her movement pulses with an animist worldview that supports to alchemize and shift embodied and inherited systems of oppression towards life affirming ones. Listen to the music.
Her musical journey began in Mexico in 2005 where she collaborated with many up and coming artists, sang backup for a touring pop star and headed 3 different bands. In 2017 she returned to the states where she was inspired to find ways to amalgamate music and activism and utilize music as a tool for breaking cycles of intergenerational trauma. She discovered community singing through a dream where she awoke remembereing the circle, the closeness, the humming and the swaying. It was then through Eyes on the Prize that she was catalyzed to infuse the streets with people singing. She founded The People’s Echo in 2019, a collective of song folk empowering others to use their voice and join together in the streets for collective liberation. Now she is traveling from community to community teaching songs and recording an album entirely dedicated to grief in the community singing style tradition. Read more about how she got here.
To be in reciprocity with the songs:
Bandcamp albums, including WAILS: Songs for Grief.
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Or consider making a donation for teaching these songs to your choir/communities.